The assignment: Write about Thanksgiving from a turkey's perspective.
The result: Brilliance.
These are my two favorites:
Fried Turkey
Hi! My name is Wings. I am here to tell my perspective of Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is a very sad holiday. Mashed potatoes, pumpkin pie, and cranberry sauce. Those are the words that make me shiver. Humans are so lucky. They don't have the risk of being on the dinner table! One Thanksgiving I almost got fried! Who fries a turkey? There are other ways to cook a turkey! Anyway, I was about to get fried when the human turned around. I climbed out an open window and flew out. Yes, I really flew! Thank you for coming to hear this lecture. Now I better go hide. It's almost Thanksgiving!
Turkey Interview
Before we start, let me get one thing straight: I'm not a turkey. I am interviewing Bob the turkey, so he is the turkey, not me! Okay - as most turkeys are, Bob is very nervous about Thanksgiving. It appears that the turkeys are teaming up with the cows. They want people to eat more chicken. (Poor chicken.) For Bob's safety I'm not going to say where Bob lives, but he feels it is a safe place, and even though he is hiding, he wants to enjoy himself. I can understand that. Thanks for tuning in to Journal News, I'm J.W. and this is Bob. So good day and Happy Thanksgiving!