Friday, November 5, 2010


A first-grade teacher recently told a story of a little boy in her class who was writing N.D.I. on several papers he was turning in. Most questions would be answered, but the mysterious N.D.I. would randomly appear on a line or two.

It happened enough times that the teacher finally asked him about it. After a gentle, "Honey, what does it mean when you write this?", the boy looked directly at her and responded with:

"Not doin' it."

Ha! So straightforward, yet entirely unacceptable! :)

This relates to the week, I promise. And now for my pictures...

October 31-November 6: N.D.I.

I have no excuse for failing to take a single Project 365-related picture. Such is life. Tomorrow begins a new week, and hopefully I'll get back into it!

Just for fun, below are a few favorite moments from the week:

*Being interviewed with my roommate for home-group leadership by one of the pastors at church, in hopes of beginning a home-based ministry to single women.

*Taking my mom to Bible study with me on Monday night.

*Wearing galoshes at carpool duty in the rain.

*Taking a moment to really watch my kids learn in class - watching them use the minds God gave them, and thanking Him for my job that I love.

*Rejoicing when my students respond to correction with teachable hearts.

*Listening to Christmas music.

*Decorating the lunch table with a Christmas tablecloth and centerpieces, knowing full well it would make two coworkers mad.

*Spending time with one of my favorite families.

*Singing hymns with Jamie when she pulled out her guitar after a year of no practice, and laughing hysterically because we couldn't find the right key.

*Partaking in Jamie's "snack" that she so proudly offered me. When I asked what it was, she said with a smile "cake batter!".

*Turning on the heat and wearing my comfy robe.