Saturday, August 14, 2010

Special Talent

Enjoy the pictures! :)

August 9: No picture today. I didn't forget, I just didn't want to.

August 10: These girls make me smile. This was our last official Bible study for the summer, so of course we decided to bring tasty treats to enjoy. We finished our 12-week study called "Battling Unbelief", and it was great! We learned about the importance of living by faith in Christ and His grace alone when faced with things like anxiety, bitterness, and impatience. I enjoyed discussing and studying with these girls who love the Lord. Thankful for them.

August 11: I picked Mom and Jim up from the airport on Wednesday. They are home from Colorado for a couple weeks! We went to Joe's Crab Shack for dinner, which hopefully explains Jim's outfit. ;)

August 13: Our third roommate moved in this week! This is Jamie. She's been moving her things in little by little throughout the week, but I didn't officially meet her until Friday.

August 14: I have the special talent of killing plants. A student gave me this little guy at the end of school last May. Her mom told me it was an easy plant to take care of - it doesn't need much water, and it doesn't need too much light. I've really been trying to take care of it this summer, but it has pretty much looked wilted all summer long. It used to have flowers, too. They are no longer.


  1. If it makes you feel any better, at least you're killing plants on a small scale. I'm slowing killing a pine tree in our backyard :(

  2. August 9: Nice. I feel my apathy growing towards the 365 project also. :)
