Sunday, January 10, 2010

Project 360

Cousin Becca called me earlier this week and invited me to join her in something called Project 360 (it's actually called Project 365, but I started 5 days late). The assignment is simple: Take a picture every day of the year. I thought, "I can do that!" It's a great way to practice with my camera, and it will be fun to have a year of pictures to look back at by the time 2011 rolls around. We'll see how long this lasts! ;) Here are the photos of the week:

January 6th: This is my friend Dani from my home group. She is a fellow teacher and has been a blast to get to know! We met at Pei Wei to catch up after the holidays.

January 7th: The dreaded Thursday afternoon. :) My lesson planning day after school. There is always Dr. Pepper involved.

January 8th: Cousin Becca herself. She was gracious to give me a ride to my mom's since my car is in the shop, and we ended up at Babe's chicken for dinner. I found out that night that she also pronounces syrup "see-rup". We must be family!

January 9th: The thank-you notes I should have been writing last night. I had every intention of doing so, but I was too busy taking pictures of the cards.

January 10th: Church. :) Boy, do I love this place. It is through the teaching here (as well as my previous church) that God has taught me more about His Son's redeeming work on the cross. His love for a sinner like me has become more and more overwhelming as I've remembered:

"For our sake He made Him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God. "
~2 Corinthians 5:21


  1. Yeah! You blogged!! And my favorite picture is from the "dreaded lesson planning day". :)

  2. I LOVE THIS POST!!!!! I'm totally liking this picture-every-day idea...keep it up!! You're getting good with your camera=)

  3. One other thing - fun to see the new church building! Listening to Matt's sermon from Sunday later today...

  4. Yea for a blog entry! Love the post. Miss you friend!!! Let's get together soon.

  5. It's like we're kindred spirits! That is, except for the Dr. Pepper. I'm a coke girl. We so need to have a "get to know you better" night!! Love that you're so happy at The Village! See ya tomorrow!
