Saturday, October 16, 2010

A Gift

This week I was able to spend time with some people I love dearly. I'm grateful to God for the good gifts He gives His children, including relationships that spur us on toward Him. They are just further evidence of His grace!

Enjoy the pictures! :)

October 9: My sister-in-law, Elise, was in town visiting a friend for the weekend. So fun to spend a day with her!

October 10: Notes from Sunday's sermon.

October 11: Huge boxes of math manipulatives were delivered to our school last week, so naturally - pranking must commence. This is Melissa. While she was out of the room, three teachers on my team (including me, I must admit) stacked about 10 boxes inside the door to her room. And we locked her out. And we hung the bathroom sign on one of the boxes because...well...we found it on the ground in the hallway, so why not?

You can tell Melissa is very angry.

October 12: Some GOOD cousin bonding time on Tuesday evening. Becca and I haven't had a time to sit and chat in awhile, so we went on a coffee date together. It was refreshing to sit and talk about life with her.

October 13: Mom is home from Colorado! Woo hoo!

October 13: Sorry, another one from the 13th. My brother and Abi stopped in Dallas on their move from Austin to Colorado, and it was such a treat to see them!

October 14: Pumpkin day in Miss Cunningham's 3rd grade classroom! We measured, weighed, and counted seeds in class this week, and it was a blast. It also wore me out.

October 15: Decorating mini-pumpkins with our Kindergarten friends.

October 16: Cousin Ashley, who I saw this weekend for a few short hours. Isn't she just beautiful?

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