Friday, October 1, 2010

91 Days & Counting

It's hard to believe there are only 91 days left in the year. It feels like Project 360 just started!

Enjoy the pictures!

September 25: Cousin Becca and I went to the Greek festival with friends from home group, but I did not come away from that with a single (good) picture.

September 26: Sunday afternoon nap. What is it that makes those so amazing?

September 27: I know this is my foot and that's gross. I apologize. This is the first day I wore close-toed shoes (since the weather was cool and beautiful!), but it didn't go well for my feet.

September 28: It was homecoming week at Rachel's school, and to celebrate, they had the opportunity to dress up from any decade in the past. She modeled her outfit for Jamie and me, and I must say she looked pretty rad. Is that what they said in the 80s?

September 28: We got a little carried away with the costume items.

September 29: One of my favorite moments of the week! I allow my kids to sit anywhere for their silent reading time...on Wednesday I looked over and saw this. These boys were smashed between the table and the wall, and they were completely on task (these three boys are rarely on task when they sit together). :) I couldn't help but laugh, and - of course - break out the camera.

September 30: Roses my coworker Sharon gave me. :)

October 1: Enjoying the beautiful day with Precious.


  1. Can't believe I totally predicted those first two pictures!! THREE CHEERS for your unmade bed and your bandaged foot!!!

  2. I can't believe you caught Precious's tongue out with no blur...way to go, Ms. Photographer!
